Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Cherish charity as it is a noble act

Our last & final value: Cherish charity as it is a noble act to serve the community

We see those porcelain skin,barbie face,eloquent actresses hosting those charity show
& we always get so swayed by her & call to donate. either to show your support f0r her,etc.

I dont think this is right at all.We should donate because we really want to. because we want to help those unfortunate one from the bottom of our heart & see thier burden decrease. thats all & thats that.

inculate loyalty to out school & nation

Our 4th value :We incucate loyalty to out school & nation

We cannot badmouth our school or disgrace our nation.
This is'nt right.
because no matter how much we dislike it,
its still our roots in the end.
we have to get back to it.
& its gonna be the one that shelters us ,provides us with protection
, educate us with important life skills.

We have to be loyal, thats the least we can do.
If the governmant gives those excellent scholars a scholarship to U.S.A or anything,
they should come back &return it back to our society. No,atcually they MUST.
The government provided them with money,moulded their future bright & belieived they will be loyal enought to come back.
BUT if they didnt, they have misplaced the government trust & belief in them.
Another example is when we go overseas & badmouth our country.
We compare the contrast between our motherly nation tofor example,Australia.
Singaporeans have every reason to protect out nation. I strongly believe in this & will resate my stand.

value integrity as it guides our every action

Our third value is -value integrity as it guides our every action.

The school wants us to value integrity & use it as our guide.
I really agree with this alot.
If we're in a dilema about what to do next,
we can take knowledge in remembering that we always have to have integrity.

the picture above describes our school value.
If you want to apologise or make a person feel special about him/herself,
you have to make sure that this action comes from your heart
& really mean it.
not for show or fame but for real humanity.


Our second value: We embrace Ingenuity in the pursuit of creativity & innovation.

the meaning of ingenuity from the dictionary-
the ability to solve problems in new & clever ways
In short, i guess its all about thinking out of the box to solve the problems we're facing.

This pictures above clearly demonstrates this value.
If we got flowers & are not sure about what to do with them,
we can make it into other things.
either to beutify us or etc.

We have to embrace this. Not fear it. remember.

dare to soar

Our 1st school value is about believing in our Ability To Suceed.
It caught my attention the minute it was said.
Yes & it has been etched in my memory ever since.

If we are gonna fall 9 times.
We got to make sure we pick ourselves up 10 times.
When we start learning something new,we have to believe that we can make it.
We should not give up midway just because we didnt start off on the right foot.
We got to perservere till the end.

Like thie picture above, if we set our mind to climb the high fence,
we got to be confident of climbing to the other end.
the key words are i guess 'BELIEVE & ABILITY' .

in short,we have to believe in our ability & dare to soar to greater heights(: